Industrial Revolution From Industry 1.0 to 4.0- A History
How has the industrial era changed from the 17th century?
I want to say something about the industrial revolution from the last 17th century up to nowadays. It is significantly changing the whole world towards the new era of this revolution. I always wondered about this new topic and had to write something about this. So I decided to write on this particular topic which is a more interesting area. Without wasting time, we start to talk about this revolution.
We are changing the way we make our products thanks to the digitalization of manufacturing. This transition is so convincing that it is called Industry 4.0 and represents the fourth revolution in the manufacturing sector. From the first industrial revolution (mechanization through the power of water and steam) to mass production and assembly chains that consume in the second stream, the fourth industrial revolution will begin what started in the third with the introduction of computers and automation and expanding them with intelligence and autonomous systems powered by data and machine learning. Let’s talk about the phases of the Industrial revolution globally.